Happy Pride Month!

VACPA Members!

Today, we commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots – an act of courage, defiance, protest, and love that paved the way for the work towards LGBTQIA+ equity. Now, more than ever, the fight remains for LGBTQIA+ liberation and safety. We encourage everyone to take today to reflect on how you show up for LGBTQIA+ people in your life.

We specifically want to recognize our Queer identifying professionals and faculty members – especially our Transgender and BIPOC folx – and those that work in LGBTQIA+ centers or similar roles. Thank you for doing the work to support our LGBTQIA+ students and community members. Showing up as your full self continues to disrupt the systems that were not built for you and we want to honor you.

As a part of the celebrations happening all month and beyond, we encourage everyone, especially our cisgender and heterosexual allies, to lean into the original purpose of pride and see the resources below on how you can support local LGBTQIA+ organizations.

  • Equality Virginia is a nonprofit organization who aims to build “a fully inclusive Commonwealth by educating, empowering, and mobilizing Virginians to ensure all LGBTQ people are free to live, love, learn, and work.” On their website you will find ways to contribute your time, talents, and treasures to EV’s work.

    • If you want to get involved in an organization in your local community, or for ones that provide support directly for and by people of color and/or Trans & Non-Binary folx, you can find a list of groups here! 

  • Take a moment to learn more about Queer History and how Trans, gender-nonconforming, Two-Spirit, and non-binary people have been at the center of the fight for liberation.

As we close out June, a month that is full of celebration and joy, remember that Pride is also about liberation and protest. Consider what is your next step in your journey of advocating for LGBTQIA+ human rights. How will you be defiant of the systems around you that perpetuate transphobia and homophobia not only during this month, but all year long. And last, tell your LGBTQIA+ colleagues, friends, and family members that you love them. Centering love and humanity is vital as we continue in this journey.

Yours in Pride,

VACPA Leadership